Stinging Nettle

This week we take a trip over to Stinging Nettle.

One herb that has earned its place in the top 20 most handy herbs, is The Nettle plant. Take a look at those Nettle leaves, what other herb comes to mind? If you said Mint, you are correct. Nettle is a relative of the mint plant. In our house we worship mint. If you're from the Caribbean I'm sure you're having a laugh :)
There is a range of benefits that can be gained from adding Nettle into your diet.

Nettle is a natural diuretic that helps to flush your liver and kidneys of toxins and aid in treating urinary tract infections. Stinging Nettle may help to treat an enlarged prostate, BPH for our men and those who support our men.

Also shown to decrease inflammation of the joints like - arthritis, rheumatism, tendinitis and most other muscle and joint related ailments.

Stinging Nettle may help to lower blood pressure and blood sugar. It is an antihistamine - this means drink a cup for those allergy symptoms! 

Antioxidant rich to help to rid your body of free radicals which may cause premature aging and neurological. Take a shot of getitng rid of those fine lines, frown lines and smile lines.

Remember to check in with your physician before starting any herbal regime.

Hope that tidbit is usual right now.

Be well,


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