
Unleashing the Power of Moringa Leaves: Health Benefits and Tea Recipe

Unleashing the Power of Moringa Leaves: Health Benefits and Tea Recipe

Moringa or the miracle tree has gained popularity because of its amazing health benefits. This blog post will dicuss some of the numerous benefits ...
Boost Your Immune System For Winter

Boost Your Immune System For Winter

Ginger - Powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-bacterial that contains Gingerol and may help fight infections. Getting rid of free radicals in the body that we know speeds up the aging process and call cell breakdown. It is also said that ginger can lowers "bad" cholesterol. The cholestrol that leads to the hardening of arteries, reducing your heart disease risk. Also said to improve brain function. Another plus for us women, it may help reduce menstrual pain.
jasmine flower, jasmine benefits

Jasmine - Gift From God

The Tea

We can reap the wonderful benefits of jasmine in tea form. 

  1. Filled with antioxidants - cell protectors
  2. May contribute to faster weightloss by boosting your metabolism.
  3. Strong suggestion of cancer prevention
  4. Heart healthy - may reduce cholesterol and blood pressure
  5. May be used to treat liver disease.
Violets Are...

Violets Are...

These mostly edible flowers are quite nutritious, packing a huge punch with their levels of vitamins A and C. Half cup of violets can carry more vitamin C than three oranges (Nebraska Herbal Society). Double the amount of vitamin A of spinach by the same weight! (Erichsen-Brown, 1979). Perfect example of never judging the book by its cover.
Holy Grail - Aloe Vera

Holy Grail - Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera or Aloe barbadensis species is well known for treating skin ailments like sunburn. But today we will talk more about the anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-septic properties of Aloe Vera. Hopefully, after this read you will be able to incorporate some of these into your daily lives.

Polyphenols in Aloe are powerful antioxidants neutralize harmful free radicals decreasing cell damage which may cause cancer and other diseases. Curcumin in Turmeric is another great polyphenol.  

Benefits of Apricot Kernel Oil

Benefits of Apricot Kernel Oil

Apricot Kernel Oil is one of the more versatile oils great for aging skin, dry skin, damaged skin and hair health. It is also fast absorbing and light weight. The anti-inflammatory and emollient properties can be beneficial to eczema and acne prone skin.
Evening Primrose Oil

Evening Primrose Oil

Evening Primrose if healing, anti-aging and has antioxidants. Here's an easy DIY home recipe to help you enjoy and reap the benefits of Evening Primrose.


If you use your imagination, you could have tons of marinates and herbal rubs to create some amazing dishes. You can also by the sugary drinks and sodas and infuse your water with fruits and herbs. Place in the refrigerator to chill and enjoy!
Stinging Nettle

Stinging Nettle

Nettle is a natural diuretic that helps to flush your liver and kidneys of toxins and aid in treating urinary tract infections.
Herb of The Week Cayenne Pepper

Herb of The Week Cayenne Pepper

Here's a simple, straight forward recipe for a Cayenne balm.

Olive Oil

Cayenne pepper power


Mix well let solidify and apply to aches and pains as needed. cayenne pepper Assana Skincare