Evening Primrose Oil

Back to our regularly scheduled programming of learning our environment and what we can use to sustain ourselves with things around us.

Today we highlight Evening Primrose Oil 

Evening Primrose species Oenothera biennis L. yellow flowers. Also know as the Kings Cure-all. Jam packed with omega 6, helps in production of anti-inflamatory hormone as well as aid in relief of PMS. Evening Primrose is also edible and used for gut health. It also can aid in eczema and psoriasis relief. I'm sure that's great new for many.

Some other ailments that Evening Primrose may help



High Cholesterol


Multiple Sclerosis

Rheumatoid Arthritis

You can extract the benfits of the flowers by infusing the flowers in your favorite carrier oil. I talked about how to infuse ina previous blog post. Using the flowers right in your bath or you can eat the edible flowers.

Evening Primrose if healing, anti-aging and has antioxidants. Here's an easy DIY home recipe to help you enjoy and reap the benefits of Evening Primrose.

Mix a few drops of Evening Primrose oil

1 cup epsom salt

Safety recommended few drops of lavender or your favorite essential oil

Fill the tub with warm water and let the mix infuse with you close by.

Relax for about 20 minutes and soak in all the goodness while being mindful of your thoughts and your stress level.

Please share if you fidn this helpful or beneficial to someone else.

Be well,


*Oil is slippery, be careful when entering and exiting the bath*


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